The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA)

The Prison Rape Elimination Act (PREA) of 2003 supports the elimination, reduction, and prevention of sexual assault and rape (sexual violence) within corrections systems. The act applies to all federal, state and local prisons, jails, police lock-ups, private facilities and community settings such as residential facilities. Intervention Community Corrections Services will comply with the Prison Rape Elimination Act and has zero tolerance for any sexual conduct of any type among offenders or between offenders and staff members, regardless of whether such conduct is consensual. ICCS will maintain a PREA Coordinator, representing the entire agency. Within each residential facility, the Program Director will act as PREA Compliance Managers.
ICCS will adhere to a survivor-based approach to all allegations of sexual misconduct in its facilities. This will include multiple avenues for anyone to safely file a report of sexual misconduct without fear of apathy or retaliation. All ICCS contractors, vendors, interns, volunteers and staff, will take every allegation seriously. ICCS will adhere to a coordinated response working closely with community agencies like law enforcement, hospitals, mental health treatment providers, and rape crisis centers to provide victims with services that equal that of the community level of care. This will be accomplished while showing full transparency while still protecting victim anonymity.
In each instance of a suspected or reported sexual assault involving a client or clients, the Program Director or designee will immediately contact and consult with local law enforcement in determining the most expedient and effective course of action in the investigation of the crime. ICCS will not investigate any criminal allegations, and will instead allow and assist law enforcement to investigate. ICCS will ask of law enforcement that all PREA standards be adhered to while investigating any allegation.
Fellow residents, family members, attorneys, medical personal, or outside advocates will be encouraged to report any suspicions or allegations as well through any of the following avenues.
West Facility
Brian Snow
11500 W. Security Ave
Lakewood, CO 80215
303-407-6200 x209
Weld Facility
Raquel DeNaeyer
1101 H Street
Greeley, CO 80631
970-584-2520 x2526
Pueblo Facility
Alison Warren
1901 N. Hudson
Pueblo, CO 81003
719-569-3020 x3032
Boulder Facility
Keri Casanova
1770 21st Street
Boulder, CO 80302
303-449-2539 x111
Adams Facility
Jessica Fields
8031 I-76 Frontage Rd,
Henderson, CO, 80640
(720) 523-7463 x7452
Kendall Facility
Josey Hall
1651 Kendall Street
Lakewood, CO 80214
303-232-4002 x2092