A message from Intervention Inc. About Covid-19
Intervention, Inc., a Colorado nonprofit corporation, has provided Colorado with quality criminal justice services for over 30 years. COVID-19 is proving to be a challenge across the globe and especially so for criminal justice providers whose facilities and operations were not designed for a pandemic. COVID-19 affects everyone involved in the criminal justice system: clients receiving our services, family members of clients, victims of crime, and our dedicated and hardworking staff members.
Intervention has proactively implemented an outstanding prevention and management plan for all services it provides. Intervention’s plan implemented all CDC, federal, Colorado and local health department guidelines as they were released. Intervention worked with community officials to assure that the safety of our staff, clients and the public is at the forefront of our operations.
Intervention is committed to a team effort to meet the challenges presented by COVID-19. We are proud of our dedicated staff and the high quality essential criminal justice services they continue to provide.
Notice to intervention clients. For your safety and the safety of our employees:
If you are exhibiting any signs of illness, please do not enter any intervention location.
Please contact your probation officer or referring agent for further direction.
Clients exhibiting any signs of illness will be denied services and asked to leave the premises.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your cooperation.

Phone Service assistance:
Lifeline is a government program that subsidizes phone or internet services for low-income consumers, ensuring everyone can stay in touch. The Lifeline program is only available to eligible consumers who can provide documentation demonstrating eligibility for the program. Only one Lifeline benefit is available per household, either wireless or landline.
Direct your patients to Nationalverifier.servicenowservices.com/lifeline to see if they qualify.
Assurance Wireless federal Lifeline Assistance

What is ICCS doing to prevent the spread of COVID-19?
ICCS is promoting the maintenance of good personal hygiene and regular disinfecting of frequently used items such as doorknobs, handles, counters and work surfaces, toilets, and handrails. A variety of posters, flyers, and notices are accessible to clients and staff in conspicuous areas which encourage frequent hand washing, social distancing practices, proper coughing/sneezing techniques, and refraining from touching hands to face. Literature also includes information on the symptoms of viral infection, including those common with COVID-19.
Hand sanitizer available to all staff in working areas and it will be available in monitored settings to clients, such as the facility main office client service window.
ICCS is committed to sustaining adequate supplies of antimicrobial and antibacterial soap, gloves, masks, and disinfectant (wipes, spray bottle, gel etc.) as available. Soap will be consistently maintained in all client rooms or common area wash basins; and other supplies for disinfecting those rooms will be made available upon request or as needed for assigned daily housekeeping chores.
In addition to regular housekeeping chores, additional daily cleaning chores specific to disinfecting doorknobs, handrails, and common area equipment and furnishings will be initiated.
All preventative measures and education of preventative practices will be made available to staff and clients.
ICCS is cancelling visitation through April 5, 2020
What is a person at ICCS tests positive for COVID-19?
After confirming a positive test they will be isolated to a designated room and considered for emergency medical furlough.
If a staff member is exhibiting symptoms, they will be sent home immediately.
What if I am part of the “vulnerable population?”
Clients that test positive and that have pre-existing conditions which make them susceptible will be referred to a medical provider and considered for medical furlough.
Why are there no pass restrictions?
We believe it will it is most effective to limit community access to the facility as opposed to limiting resident access to the community, as ICCS will be taking no action to limit passes to work/business/pleasure/furlough.
Although some treatment providers have requested to have no direct client contact, accommodations will be made as available.